Kodak Speech Collection: Results

Speaker Title Date
Chandler, Colby H.Address to the George Washington Council Boy Scout Dinner 1978
Nixon, Justin WroeAmerica is Worth While 1951
Chapman, Albert K.Civic Spotlight 1958
McVittie, J.Consideration for the Adoption of a Suggestion Plan for the City of Rochester 1953
Murphy, John FrancisLand of My Choice 1953
McGhee, James E.Opportunities & Challenges in Community Growth 1958
Vaughn, William S.Our Increasing Responsibilities 1951
Cooke, HarryParticipating In Civic Activities 1950
Hornig, Donald F.Politics and the Engineer 1970
Welsh, Frederic S.Remarks before the Blue Circle Honor Society on Social Responsibility 1963
Zornow, G.B.Speech before Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York 1963
Folsom, Marion B.Statement on America's Town Meeting of the Air 1950
Folsom, Marion B.Statement on America's Town Meeting of the Air 1950
Robson, WylieThe Lesson of Philanthropy 1971
Chandler, Colby H.Volunteerism Conference Overview 1982

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